They say: shame on Elizabeth Dole.

From How a Barking Dog is Turning the NC Senate Race Negative, they learn that apparently they were calling somebody “fibber”. They have never referred to anyone as “fibber”, nor “flubber” for that matter.  They suspect that it probably came, etymologically speaking, from someone born before 1950.  They say emphatically:  leave “they” out of it.… Continue reading They say: shame on Elizabeth Dole.

So, which conspiracy theory is best?

Governor’s Mansion fire investigation: (for Democrats) What was so compellingly revealing that it had to be burnt in the Governor’s Mansion? (for Republicans) Which delegate left a bag of burning dog doo on the porch, not knowing there was nobody home to stomp it out? Update 20080802: A few days ago, the video of the… Continue reading So, which conspiracy theory is best?