A hammer derivative…

They have said: If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To which they can now add: If all you have is a nuclear device, everything looks like Hiroshima.

A holiday every week!

So, they were taking out the trash, at the exact same time as their next door neighbor, who greeted they with Happy garbage eve! To which they could only reply And a merry trashmas to you!

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They like math

Beauty.  Mathematical beauty.

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So, with the Foley fallout, they are taken back to many years ago, when a vaguely popular bumper sticker said: Republicans eat their young

There is a new term for automotive stupidity!

It began as they were coming back from lunch. The conversation turned to “stupidly enhanced” vehicles, among which number both jacked-up trucks (and smaller vehicles), and cars whose rims are worth more than the car itself. The word that encapsulates all these travesties? Carwinism.

What a difference…

Between the Bush administration saying that they cannot talk because of national security, and how they act when there really is an issue of national security.  These folks just can’t leak quickly enough when real security is at stake, eh?