– Missouri man legally changes his name to ‘They’. They just want to say that they have never met they. Perhaps it might end up like when Malkovich entered his own portal? They are not opposed to the idea, however.? Perhaps They is not, either. (H/T to 1069, Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii,… Continue reading They never heard about this…
Tag: funny
They want to know…
Is it 1990 again? already?
So, which conspiracy theory is best?
Governor’s Mansion fire investigation: (for Democrats) What was so compellingly revealing that it had to be burnt in the Governor’s Mansion? (for Republicans) Which delegate left a bag of burning dog doo on the porch, not knowing there was nobody home to stomp it out? Update 20080802: A few days ago, the video of the… Continue reading So, which conspiracy theory is best?
They wonder
…will his casket be fuzzy and adorable?
If science was our national passtime…
then this would lead to a congressional investigation.
There is a contest for this?
Building better burger at Rube Goldberg contest
Time to take his guns, right?
Hollywood legend Charlton Heston dead at 84.
An open letter to the lady driving to work, swerving madly while putting on makeup.
They think they know why you were having such trouble: You did not wait for the first coat to dry before applying the second coat.
Here we go again…
Video Here Comes Another Bubble — The Richter Scales – richterscales, richter, scales, acappella, internet – Dailymotion Share Your Videos