Scientific Truth in Product Warning Labels

(Stolen Without Permission from Journal of anillegiblycopiedtitle)* WARNING: This product warps space and time in its vicinity. WARNING: This product attracts every other piece of matter in the Universe, including the products of other manufacturers, with a force proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the** distance between… Continue reading Scientific Truth in Product Warning Labels

The World’s Most Powerful Meta-Disclaimer

All clauses of this disclaimer apply to the disclaimer itself, except for this first sentence. All other disclaimers that may be found on this site, or sites linked to herein, are obviously subsets of this disclaimer, invalid, illegal, or fattening. All metainformation, HTML tags, photographs, artwork, text, opinions, ideas, facts or factoids contained in this… Continue reading The World’s Most Powerful Meta-Disclaimer

In Summary

If you’ve read all these, you’ll probably also enjoy this page. And this one. Dave Barry, a very cool and gracious and funny guy (hey, I’ve met him, and all three are true, dammit!) wrote an entire column about disclaimers — it is on this site. SNL also got it right with Happy Fun Ball.