
So, with the Foley fallout, they are taken back to many years ago, when a vaguely popular bumper sticker said: Republicans eat their young

There is a new term for automotive stupidity!

It began as they were coming back from lunch. The conversation turned to “stupidly enhanced” vehicles, among which number both jacked-up trucks (and smaller vehicles), and cars whose rims are worth more than the car itself. The word that encapsulates all these travesties? Carwinism.

They have to ask: is it true?

Has Bin Laden died of typhoid? Things look promising now that the story is in english. They especially like the part about “partial paralysis of his internal organs” Wow — this story is spreading quickly…

What a difference…

Between the Bush administration saying that they cannot talk because of national security, and how they act when there really is an issue of national security.  These folks just can’t leak quickly enough when real security is at stake, eh?

First thought on the new TSA carry-on regulations

It is time for a new airline: Free-for-all air. No security, take whatever you think you need to defend yourself to make sure the plane gets to its intended destination. Obviously, no beverage service (and no safety lecture!), and no way for the passengers to reach the pilots. (Seperate entrance for the pilots? Perhaps small… Continue reading First thought on the new TSA carry-on regulations

How bad does cingular suck?

Not only did cingular have a 5-hour outage,(their second major one within three months) but when they called their customer service number (you know, that 611 thing) at 9:15, they got a message that “Customer service is closed. Our hours of operation are 8am to 10pm Monday through Saturday”. Oh, and they “can’t remember the… Continue reading How bad does cingular suck?

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Does Mel Gibson have a leg to stand on when he complains about being crucified in the media?

Rational thought wins again!

From CNN.com – Expert: Yates thought she ruined kids – Jul 19, 2006: Andrea Yates drowned her five children in the bathtub because she thought she had ruined them so much that one would grow up to be a serial killer and another would become a mute gay prostitute, a forensic psychiatrist testified Wednesday. Ah-ha!… Continue reading Rational thought wins again!

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