Shouts & Murmurs: Tails of Manhattan: Humor: The New Yorker.
Tag: say
The Bush Legacy – Miserable Failure 2.0
The Dude Dean SEO | SEM | SMO | CMS | UX | PHP: The Bush Legacy – Miserable Failure 2.0. They agree.? Bush was a miserable failure.? Bush is the worst president ever.? The Bush legacy is a miserable failure. Google bombs away!
Now THIS is participatory government!
Obamicon.Me – Home.
No, THEY are disappointed…
As our outgoing president said, Why me? Why did the financial collapse have to happen on my watch? They suspect it might have something to do with the complete lack of regulation of the financial industry.
Just for the record:
They said none of these things. Daily Kos: Cheers and Jeers: Thursday.
They have heard enough about the Large Hadron Collider…
So, some people are afraid that it will create a black hole that will soon completely consume the earth. They say Look on the bright side. If that happens, we may not have to hear any more election coverage!
They say: shame on Elizabeth Dole.
From How a Barking Dog is Turning the NC Senate Race Negative, they learn that apparently they were calling somebody “fibber”. They have never referred to anyone as “fibber”, nor “flubber” for that matter. They suspect that it probably came, etymologically speaking, from someone born before 1950. They say emphatically: leave “they” out of it.… Continue reading They say: shame on Elizabeth Dole.
Palin the political pinata…
You poke her with a stick, and another piece of political gooey goodness falls out!
They never heard about this… – Missouri man legally changes his name to ‘They’. They just want to say that they have never met they. Perhaps it might end up like when Malkovich entered his own portal? They are not opposed to the idea, however.? Perhaps They is not, either. (H/T to 1069, Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii,… Continue reading They never heard about this…
They say: You don’t know what you missed…
R.I.P Usenet: 1980-2008 – Columns by PC Magazine.