They say: shame on Elizabeth Dole.

From How a Barking Dog is Turning the NC Senate Race Negative, they learn that apparently they were calling somebody “fibber”. They have never referred to anyone as “fibber”, nor “flubber” for that matter.  They suspect that it probably came, etymologically speaking, from someone born before 1950.  They say emphatically:  leave “they” out of it.… Continue reading They say: shame on Elizabeth Dole.

They finally figured out how to make ubuntu rock on wifi…

They have a new laptop.  It came with Vista Ultimate, but even now, the bluetooth on windows never works as it should — not that they are surprised. Since they use bluetooth really often (to upload photos from the camera on the phone they have), this is a problem. OK, not much of a problem. … Continue reading They finally figured out how to make ubuntu rock on wifi…